National Conference cum Workshop on Excellence in Ornamental and Medicinal Orchids: Bridging Gaps in Innovation, Cultivation, Conservation, and Resource Development of Orchid-Based Pharmacological Advances & Orchid Show.

Instructions to Authors

J. Orchid Soc. India is an International Journal to disseminate advances about orchids. Research articles and short communications (in English) dealing with taxanomy, morphology, anatomy, embryology, morphogenesis, cytology and cytogenetics, histo-/cyto-chemistry, physiology, evolution, and experimental studies etc. of orchids are accepted for publication. Monographs, symposium proceedings, flora and book reviews are also considered for publication.

The author(s) should submit two copies of the manuscript (complete in all respects), typed in double space with wide margins on A-4 size paper. The maximum length of the manuscripts shall ordinarily be restricted to 12 printed pages (17.5 cm x 23.5 cm). Authors may be asked to bear the cost of additional pagination. The title should be precise and conform to the contents. An abstract giving salient points of the work (not exceeding 200 words) should precede the text in each article. The text may include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References, as the typical main headings. The main headings must be centred. Sub-headings and second sub-headings are to be flush left, the latter of these should be underlined. The units of measurement should be abbreviated in standard form. The words desired to be printed in italics should be underlined.

The tables, to be typed on separate sheets, must have arabic numerals and a concise caption. Appropriate place of their insertion in the text should be indicated.

  1. The citations in the text should conform to the following style:

    “According to Withner (1953, 1955), very young orchid ovules———————————–”.

    “The ability of the orchid leaves—————————-inherent proliferative potential (Vij and Pathak, 1990)”.

    “Activated charcoal promoted germination————–orchid species (Arditti and Ernst,1984# Pathak et al.,2001;Vij and Pathak,1988#Yam et al.,1989).”

  2. Unpublished material may be cited in the text but should not be included in the references.
  3. The references should be arranged in an alphabetical order with surname of the first author. Where more than one reference of the same first author are given, these should be further arranged in a chronological order. The abbreviations of the title of the journals should conform to the latest edition of World List of Scientific Periodicals (eds. P. Brown and G. B. Stratton), Butterworths, London. The references should be presented as follows:

    Tanaka, R. 1969. Deheterochromatinization of the chromosomes in Spiranthes sinensis. Jpn. J. Genet., 44: 291-96.

    Arditti, J. (ed.). 1977. Orchid Biology: Reviews and Perspectives. Vol. I. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York,USA.

    Kamemoto, H. and R. Sagarik. 1975. Beautiful Thai Orchid Species. The Orchid Society of Thailand, Bangkok.

    Pathak Promila, S. P. Vij, and K.C. Mahant. 1992.Ovule culture in Goodyera biflora (Lindl.) Hk.: A study in vitro. J. Orchid Soc. India, 6:49-53.

    Ishida, Genjiro and Kohji Karsawa.2001. Phylogenetic evolution of the genus Calanthe. In: Orchids Science and Commerce (eds. Promila Pathak, R. N. Sehgal, N. Shekhar, and A. Sood).pp. 145-62. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradhun, India.

  4. Line drawings (in India ink) and photographs (sharp and high contrast black and white or coloured), on glossy paper, should be mounted close to each other but separately. These should not exceed twice of column (8.5 cm x 23.5 cm) or page (17.5 cm x 23.5 cm) width. The figures must be numbered consecutively according to their appearance in the text and their specified magnification should correspond to those expected after reproduction. The explanations of figures (legends) should be concise and typed on a separate page.
  5. The colored plate shall be charged @ Rs. 2000/- .The authors will have to pay additional charges for extensive alternations requested after the manuscripts has been accepted and composed.
  6. Since the journal will be available online in our website (, pagination cum online/open access charges for the manuscripts shall be applicable.
    Address your manuscripts and inquiries to:

    Professor (Dr) Promila Pathak


    The Journal of The Orchid Society of India

    Department of Botany, Panjab University

    Chandigarh– 160 014 (India)

    EDITORIAL OFFICE: Orchid Laboratory , Botany Department, Panjab University , Chandigarh-160 014, India

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